Absolutely. We offer in-house financing for qualified client and projects as well as third party leasing options. Call 1-800-732-9886 to learn more.
Yes. All of our signs come complete with an installation manual. Clients who choose to do the installation themselves can typically save several hundred dollars. For a small fee, you can have a Golden Rule Signs representative on-site at the time of your installation to make sure everything is done properly.
Anything you want! School name, mascot, creedo, crest, even a full color picture. Our sign faces are digitally printed and can show any font or graphic.
Great question! Most clients choose to purchase a wireless communication system. We also offer hardline, telephone and fiber optic connections. See our communication page or speak with a GRS representative for more information.
No. Single sided signs still have many of the components and costs of a double sided sign. It still requires lights inside the ID cabinet, crating, shipping, installation etc. By only having one LED message unit the price will drop but keep in mind you limit the amount of exposure as well.
For better or worse, we offer some pretty fancy signs. Our cloud-based software will allow you (and other permission-based users) to design messages and schedule them (by start date/time and end date/time years in advance) from the comfort of any location with an internet connection. Using your PC, Mac, iPad, Android tablet, or mobile phone, you can access our secure Amazon EC2 based cloud platform. Our signs can also be controlled via locally hosted desktop software as well.
Thank goodness for the internet. We conduct software training seminars online every week! You can sign up once, twice, or every week as long as you own the sign. It’s free and you can enroll as often as you want. Additionally we provide free training video’s that you can watch at any time.
YES! We offer a 5-year parts replacement and 10-year parts guarantee.